Buchanan Hall has hosted a wide variety of events from weddings, anniversaries and birthdays to cultural events including foreign film screenings, plays, musicals and performances by local to legendary musicians. Below are just a few of the hall’s renowned events.

Buchanan Hall was a well-known venue on
The Society Swirl circuit, which included musicians Chauncey Brown and Duke Ellington
Learn more about Chauncy Brown's performances at Buchanan Hall in "Chauncy Brown's Dance Party Lives On" - The Washington Post and "Remembering Fauquier's legenday Chauncy Brown" - The Fauquier Times
Photo by C. Irvin Garrett for the popular “Familiar Fauquier Faces” feature in The Fauquier Democrat
Patsy Cline
Buchanan Hall's stage was also graced by the one-of-a-kind, soulful voice of Patsy Cline, who was born nearby in Winchester, Virginia

Jack Elliot
A well known American folk singer whose music influenced everyone from Bob Dylan to The Rolling Stones.

Duke Ellington
A major figure in the history of Jazz music, legendary Duke Ellington brought his talent to Upperville, Virginia.

Upperville Colt & Horse Show
Part of Virginia’s famous Piedmont horse country, the Upperville Colt & Horse Show was first held in 1853 and remains the oldest such event in America.
During this week, the nation’s top ranking hunters and jumpers will compete alongside the local ponies, sidesaddle ladies and racing Jack Russell Terriers.
Over the years, Buchanan Hall has hosted several dances and various events associated with the annual show, which takes place just down the road every June.